Embark on an epic quest in Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste, where the thrill of the hunt unfolds on your tabletop. As brave hunters, you’ll venture into the untamed wilderness, facing formidable monsters and forging an unbreakable bond with your team.

With its immersive gameplay, stunning miniatures, and strategic depth, Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste captures the essence of the beloved video game, bringing the exhilaration of the hunt to life.

Game Overview

Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste is a cooperative board game for 1-4 players. Players take on the roles of hunters who must work together to track down and defeat monsters in the Wildspire Waste, a dangerous and unforgiving environment.

The game features a modular board, detailed miniatures, and a variety of cards that provide players with different abilities and equipment.

The objective of the game is to complete a series of quests, each of which requires players to defeat a specific monster. To do this, players must explore the Wildspire Waste, gather resources, and craft weapons and armor. They must also learn the unique behaviors of each monster and develop strategies to defeat them.


The game includes a variety of components, including:

  • A modular board that can be assembled in different ways to create a variety of different environments.
  • Detailed miniatures of the hunters and monsters.
  • A variety of cards that provide players with different abilities and equipment.
  • Dice and other game components.

Gameplay Mechanics

In Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste, players embark on a thrilling adventure as they navigate the unforgiving wilderness and hunt colossal monsters.

The gameplay unfolds through a series of turns, where players strategically allocate their actions to explore, gather resources, and engage in thrilling combat.

Turn Structure, Monster hunter world: the board game – wildspire waste

Each player’s turn consists of three phases:

  • Planning Phase:Plan your actions for the turn, including movement, gathering, and item usage.
  • Action Phase:Execute the planned actions, encountering monsters and resolving combat.
  • Cleanup Phase:Replenish resources, discard used cards, and prepare for the next turn.

Combat System

Combat is a central element of the game, and it utilizes a dice-rolling system to determine outcomes.

When attacking a monster, players roll a set of dice based on their weapon and abilities. The dice results are compared to the monster’s defense value, and successful rolls deal damage.

Damage = Dice Result

Monster’s Defense

Monsters can also attack players, and damage is calculated similarly. However, players have access to armor and other defensive abilities to mitigate damage.


Resources play a crucial role in the game. Players can gather resources such as herbs, ores, and monster parts during exploration.

Resources can be used to craft items, upgrade weapons and armor, and provide various benefits during combat. Managing resources wisely is essential for success in the Wildspire Waste.

Monsters and Encounters

Monster hunter world: the board game - wildspire waste

The Wildspire Waste is home to a diverse array of monsters, each with unique abilities and behaviors. Hunters must be prepared to adapt their strategies to succeed against these formidable creatures.

The monsters of the Wildspire Waste can be divided into three categories: small monsters, large monsters, and elder dragons. Small monsters are typically less dangerous than their larger counterparts, but they can still pose a threat in numbers. Large monsters are the primary targets of hunters, and they offer a significant challenge.

Elder dragons are the most powerful monsters in the game, and they require a high level of skill and preparation to defeat.

Small Monsters

  • Aptonoth: These herbivorous creatures are relatively harmless, but they can be dangerous if they are startled.
  • Jagras: These small predators are known for their pack mentality. They can be easily defeated, but they can become a nuisance if they are not dealt with quickly.
  • Kestodon: These small, burrowing creatures can be a nuisance, but they are not particularly dangerous.
  • Popo: These large, herbivorous creatures are generally peaceful, but they can become aggressive if they are threatened.
  • Vespoids: These small, flying insects can be a nuisance, but they are not particularly dangerous.

Large Monsters

  • Anjanath: This large, predatory dinosaur is one of the most common monsters in the Wildspire Waste. It is known for its powerful jaws and aggressive behavior.
  • Barroth: This large, armored dinosaur is known for its powerful charge attacks. It is also capable of creating mud pools that can slow down hunters.
  • Jyuratodus: This large, fish-like monster is known for its ability to swim through the mud. It is also capable of creating mud balls that can be used to attack hunters.
  • Paolumu: This large, bat-like monster is known for its ability to glide through the air. It is also capable of creating sonic waves that can disorient hunters.
  • Radobaan: This large, rock-eating monster is known for its ability to roll into a ball and attack hunters. It is also capable of creating rocks that can be used to defend itself.

Elder Dragons

  • Teostra: This elder dragon is known for its ability to control fire. It is a powerful and dangerous opponent that requires a high level of skill to defeat.
  • Kushala Daora: This elder dragon is known for its ability to control ice. It is a powerful and dangerous opponent that requires a high level of skill to defeat.

Character Customization

In Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste, players have the opportunity to create and customize their own unique hunters. The character creation process is designed to be both flexible and engaging, allowing players to create characters that fit their playstyle and preferences.

When creating a character, players will first choose their hunter’s gender and appearance. They can then select from a variety of weapons and armor, each with its own unique stats and abilities. Players can also choose from a variety of skills and abilities, which can be used to enhance their hunter’s combat effectiveness.


There are 14 different weapons in Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste, each with its own unique playstyle. Some weapons, like the Great Sword and the Hammer, are designed for dealing heavy damage, while others, like the Dual Blades and the Bow, are designed for speed and agility.

Players can experiment with different weapons to find the one that best suits their playstyle.


Armor in Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste provides players with protection from enemy attacks. There are a variety of different armor sets available, each with its own unique stats and abilities. Players can mix and match different pieces of armor to create a set that provides the best protection for their playstyle.

Skills and Abilities

Skills and abilities in Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste can be used to enhance a hunter’s combat effectiveness. There are a variety of different skills and abilities available, including skills that increase a hunter’s attack power, defense, or mobility.

Players can choose the skills and abilities that best suit their playstyle.

Game Modes

Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste offers multiple game modes, each with unique objectives and rules, catering to different playstyles and preferences.

The game modes available are:

Solo Play

In solo play, you embark on a solitary adventure as a lone hunter, facing the challenges of the Wildspire Waste alone. Your objective is to complete quests, hunt monsters, and gather resources to progress through the game. Solo play allows you to set your own pace, explore at your leisure, and develop your hunting skills without the need for coordination with others.


Multiplayer mode enables you to team up with other players to form a hunting party. Together, you will embark on quests, hunt monsters, and gather resources as a cohesive unit. Multiplayer mode fosters cooperation, strategy, and communication, as you work together to overcome challenges and achieve shared goals.

It also allows for a more dynamic and engaging gameplay experience.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Both solo play and multiplayer offer their own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Solo Play:
    • Advantages:Set your own pace, explore freely, develop skills independently.
    • Disadvantages:Limited hunting options, can be challenging to complete certain quests alone.
  • Multiplayer:
    • Advantages:Cooperative gameplay, shared goals, dynamic and engaging experience.
    • Disadvantages:Requires coordination, can be difficult to find suitable hunting partners.

Ultimately, the choice between solo play and multiplayer depends on your preferences and playstyle. Whether you prefer the solitude of a lone hunter or the camaraderie of a hunting party, Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste offers a diverse range of game modes to cater to your needs.

Art and Design

Monster hunter world: the board game - wildspire waste

Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste captures the essence of the video game with its stunning visuals and intricate miniatures. The art style mimics the vibrant colors and lush environments of the Wildspire Waste, immersing players in the vibrant world of Monster Hunter.

The miniatures, representing the various monsters and characters, are meticulously crafted with exceptional detail. From the scales on the Rathalos to the intricate armor of the hunters, every miniature is a testament to the game’s high production value. These components not only enhance the gameplay but also serve as collectible pieces for avid fans.

Immersive Atmosphere

The art and design of Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste contribute significantly to the overall atmosphere and gameplay. The vibrant colors and detailed miniatures bring the world of Monster Hunter to life, creating a sense of immersion that transports players into the heart of the Wildspire Waste.

The game’s components are designed to enhance the strategic gameplay. The detailed terrain tiles allow for a variety of tactical options, while the monster miniatures provide a tangible representation of the challenges faced by the hunters. The visual appeal of the game also adds to its replayability, as players are constantly drawn back to the stunning world of Monster Hunter.

Closing Notes

Whether you’re a seasoned Monster Hunter fan or a newcomer to the world, Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste offers an unforgettable gaming experience. Gather your fellow hunters, sharpen your weapons, and prepare for an adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

User Queries: Monster Hunter World: The Board Game – Wildspire Waste

Is Monster Hunter World: The Board Game- Wildspire Waste a cooperative game?

Yes, it is a fully cooperative game where players work together to hunt monsters and complete quests.

How many players can play Monster Hunter World: The Board Game- Wildspire Waste?

It supports 1-4 players.

What is the average playtime for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game- Wildspire Waste?

A typical game session lasts around 60-120 minutes.

Is Monster Hunter World: The Board Game- Wildspire Waste suitable for children?

It is recommended for ages 14 and up due to its complexity and strategic elements.

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